
Monday, June 13, 2011

My Sweet Spot

Up to this point we've looked at how to analyze your MAPP exam on In this post we are going to look at how to use that information to determine your personal "Sweet Spot".

Wikipedia defines a Sweet Spot as "a place where you get a maximum response for a given amount of effort."

In our lives, this is the place where our: 1) talents, skills, and giftings overlap our 2) passions, motivations, and energizing activities.

The most effective people in the world are those who have discovered their Sweet Spot and are living the majority of their life within it.

So, in my last post we made a summary of what I have within my Talent and Motivation circles. Using the info from that summary we are going to start identifying what my Sweet Spot contains.

The first step is to re-read both lists and write down anything that shows up on both lists.

My Sweet Spot:

  • Leading, directing, managing, and supervising people.

  • Communicating to people in an influential or persuasive manor.

  • Teaching people information that will result in their good, growth, or gain.

  • Seeing the big picture and directing people within that picture towards the accomplishment of the overall goal.

  • Coordinate the skills and direct the actions of others towards a goal that benefits everyone.

The second step is to put this summary into one short sentence. Here is what you could say my Sweet Spot is:

Communicating information that will inspire people to take action and then leading them, through providing direction and coordinating their skills within the scope of the big picture, towards the accomplishment of a goal that benefits everyone.

The third step in using the MAPP test is to go back to the top of your MAPP Assessment, where we chose the top 5-10 phrases that jumped out at us and motivated us the most, and compare them with our Sweet Spot summary to see how they fit within it.

Here were my top motivational phrases from the career list:

  1. Develop/apply human skills

  2. teach

  3. instruct

  4. human development

  5. training

  6. inform

As you can see, these phrases are an exact match of my "Sweet Spot" summary.

Now that we have extracted a pretty clear picture of who we are from the MAPP exam, we should have a pretty clear answer to the question, "Who Am I?"

However, during my journey to discovering "Who I Am" I chose to validate my MAPP exam findings with a series of other tests and simple processes. Although the other exams did not uncover any new or 'life changing' information about myself, I found that they made my picture of 'Who I Am' even clearer by giving even more detail into some of the other components and aspects of my life.

One of my next posts will show you what these tests and processes are and give you some guidance on how you can walk through them to if you would like.

Thanks again for reading my posts!

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